Fruit Tree Pruning
Friday breakout session
Colorado State University Extension, Chaffee County

This talk will cover the basics of fruit tree pruning including where are the flowering buds, types of cuts, and some training methods.
Susan Carter is the new Director of CSU Chaffee County Extension. Susan has worked for CSU Extension for 9 years, previously in the Tri River Area working frequently with the orchards. She specializes in Horticulture and Natural Resources and can help with Agriculture questions. Susan has a bachelor’s degree in Ornamental Horticulture and a Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture. She worked in the Green Industry for many years. She is a certified arborist (ISA) and CSU Extension certified Native Plant Master. Her office is at the back of the Chaffee County Fairgrounds. You can catch her there most weeks M-Th, from 7:30-5:30.